Sessão 1 (9h às 10h30): ABORDAGENS DE VISUALIZAÇÃO
(20 minutos de apresentação + 10 minutos de perguntas para cada artigo)-
Propondo uma Arquitetura para Ambientes Interativos baseados em Múltiplas Visões - Arleson Nunes (UNIFACS), Glauco Carneiro (UNIFACS)
TimeLine Matrix: an on demand view for software evolution analysis - Renato Novais (IFBA), Paulo R. M. Simões Júnior (UFBA), Manoel Mendonca (UFBA)
SkyscrapAR: An Augmented Reality Visualization for Software Evolution - Rodrigo Souza (UFBA), Bruno Carreiro da Silva (UFBA), Thiago Mendes (IFBA), Manoel Mendonca (UFBA)
Sessão 2 (11h às 12h30): APLICAÇÕES DE VISUALIZAÇÃO
(20 minutos de apresentação + 10 minutos de perguntas para cada artigo)-
Aplicação de uma técnica de visualização de dados baseado em árvores para Auxiliar a priorização de requisitos em projetos ágeis - Fabio Abrantes Diniz (UERN, UFERSA), Thiago Reis da Silva (UERN), Ithalo Moura (UERN), Diego Grosmann (UFERSA), Francisco Mendes Neto (UFERSA), Pedro Fernandes Ribeiro Neto (UERN)
Um Experimento na Indústria para Mineração Visual de Padrões de Interações de Programadores - Igor Maciel (UFS), Methanias Colaço Júnior (UFS), Manoel Mendonca (UFBA), Glauco Carneiro (UNIFACS)
Usando Recursos de Visualização Enriquecidos com Elementos de Percepção para a Compreensão de Software em um Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Distribuído - Carlos Conceição (UNIFACS), Glauco Carneiro (UNIFACS), José Maria David (UFJF)
60 minutos de apresentação + 30 minutos de perguntas
“Software evolution visualization: status, challenges and possible research directions”
Software evolution is one of the most important topics on software engineering and maintenance. It generally deals with large amounts of data. Software visualization aims to help people to understand software through the use of visual resources. It is a powerful aid to analyze and understand the large amount of data produced during software evolution. This talk will give a broad view of current Software Evolution Visualization (SEV) approaches, and explore how SEV research is structured, identifying key challenges for its use in practice and highlighting possible research directions for the area.
Bio (in English): Manoel Mendonça is a Professor of Computer Science at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), where heads the Fraunhofer Project Center for Software and Systems Engineering (FPC-UFBA). Prof. Mendonça holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP), a M.Sc. in computer engineering from UNICAMP (Brazil), and a bachelor in electrical engineering from UFBA. From 1994 to 1997, he was a visiting scientist and was awarded a doctoral fellowship from IBM Toronto Laboratory’s Centre for Advanced Studies. From 1997 to 2000, he worked as a Faculty Research Associate at the UMCP and as a scientist at Fraunhofer Center Maryland. He joined Salvador University (Brazil) as a Professor in 2000. There he headed the university’s Computing Research Center and helped to create the first computer science master and doctoral programs at his home state of Bahia. He joined UFBA in 2009 and has headed its computer science graduate program and software engineering lab. Dr. Mendonça has published close to 100 technical papers. His main research interests are on software engineering and information visualization. He is a member of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and the ACM, and a senior member of IEEE.
60 minutos de discussões em grupo + 30 minutos de consenso dos grupos