
Thursday, 02 February 2017 17:22 administrator

 WASHES focuses on the interaction among critical aspects that influence software engineering and software quality. Human and social aspects in software development have been discussed by researchers and practitioners since methods, techniques, and tools affect (and are affected by) stakeholders and their interactions. Similarly, software is a source of value for business in several organizations, either being software suppliers or acquirers, representing the key factor for their economic success.

Decisions made in the software development processes and activities have economic implications on the profit and/or cost perspectives. Then, stakeholders, their interactions and the software value notion are crucial to software quality and directly affect the benefits promoted by software reuse. As such, it is important to investigate reuse beyond the technical perspective and understand how non-technical barriers affect reuse practices, processes and tools in practice.

This special edition’s main topic is “Challenges of Reuse and the Social, Human, and Economic Aspects of Software”. WASHES seeks to bring together different perspectives in a specific forum to analyze software reuse in the light of social, human, and economic aspects.

2nd WASHES will be held in conjunction with ICSR 2017, on May 29th, 2017 in Salvador, Brazil.


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Last Updated on Thursday, 23 February 2017 13:46