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Software Process Line Engineering (SPLE)

SPLE consists of a systematic process reuse in the context of the CDSoft Project, combining the Software Process Line (SPL) and Component Based Process Definition (CBPD) techniques.

The SPrL is composed by multiple phases within different abstraction levels and types of artifacts related to specific representations for addressing process domain variability. Also mechanisms are being established to guarantee consistency in the traceability among all the domain models.

This involves the definition of a SPLE approach composed by five main elements described as follows. The first element consists of a method, which is a Process Domain Engineering process focused on a CBPD. The second element consists of a more complete representation to variability modelling, addressing different abstraction levels and types of artifacts. The third element is a mapping mechanism as a guide to assist the mapping of properties and variability throughout different domain artifacts. Also, criteria to support the creation of process architecture represent another element of the approach. The last element is a supporting environment, a reuse environment that provides the necessary support to the construction, integration and use of the involved artefacts. This research project is based on the adaptation of the Odyssey environment, a software reuse infrastructure based on software domain models developed by the Software Reuse Group at COPPE/UFRJ. 

The SPLE method describes the sequence of activities in order to create an SPL and procedures for the process instantiation using the SPL. SPLE is divided into two phases: Software Process Domain Engineering (SPDE) and Software Process Project Engineering (SPPE). Each one of the stages is divided in three main activities: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; and (3) Implementation. SPDE is called as a development process for reuse where an infrastructure to automate and systematize reuse is conceived; and SPPE is generically called as the development process with reuse where processes specific of projects are constructed by reusing the assets produced by SPDE.